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A member registered Jan 25, 2018

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If you're looking for a quick little game to play, please consider Rock Bottom. It's a fun little platformer that was created during the 48 hour game design challenge. My pal Paul Ungar had a hand or two (or three) in it's creation.

My take: The game was fun and frustrating, but that's how it's designed to be. It's a platformer that launches you through spiked tunnels, has you jumping and double jumping across chasms and dodging more spiked walls.

You have unlimited lives; the game simply keeps track of how many times you died and how long it takes you to finish the game. Throughout the game are little notes that will make a paragraph to read once you've completed the game. I missed out on a few sentences, but I also didn't notice that near the bottom left of the screen showed me how many phrases were located on whatever level I was on. So my bad for missing that.

The controls I found were a little too slippery for me. I would tap in one direction and felt I would go way further than I would have expected. I also didn't like the way the character jumps, it's more like a float. It took me a while to get used to. Ok, i never really got used to it, it gave me a hard time throughout the entire game! 

But again, I had fun. It took me less than an hour to beat it, and I look forward to seeing the completely polished version.  I recommend getting a copy for yourself to check it out.